Your Vote Counts!

Let Your Voice be Heard

Did you know that Chesapeake Beach residents should be voting in TWO separate elections?  There is the National Election and a separate election for Chesapeake Beach Mayor and Town Council.

Information for Maryland residents on registration and voting in the National election can be found here.  If you don’t believe you’ll be able to get to a polling location on November 3, you can early vote in person starting now.

Early voting and voting on November 3 in the National election can be done at the Community Resources Building on 30 Duke St. in Prince Frederick.  If you are not yet registered to vote in Maryland, you can register in person at the Community Resource Building as late as election day.  Bring documentation to prove where you live.

Besides the list of candidates for office, the Maryland ballot has two Yes/No questions on expansion of gambling in the State. Don’t overlook those.

Information on voting in the Town of Chesapeake Beach election can be found here.  The voting location will be Chesapeake Beach Town Hall, at the corner of Bayside Rd. and 26th St.

To vote in the Town election, you must be a resident of Chesapeake Beach and registered to vote in Maryland or be listed on the Town Supplemental Voter List.  Information on registration for Town elections can be found here.

Similar to the Maryland ballot, the Town ballot has two Yes/No questions on expansion of gambling in the Town!  These are particularly important since they have a potential local impact on Chesapeake Beach residents.

So get out and vote!  See you at the elections.

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