
HOA Purpose, Rules and Regulations 

Governing Documents
HOA Forms
Maryland Homeowners Association Act    (leaving site)
Maryland Homeowners’ Association, Inc.   (leaving site)

Happy Homes: A Consumer’s Guide to Maryland Condo and HOA Law and Best Practices by Jeanne N. Ketley (2014; available from [leaving site])

Potential Resources for when a Neighborly Dispute Comes to an Impasse

Community Mediation Center of Calvert County  (leaving site)
Consumers Guide to Alternative Dispute Resolution Services in Maryland  (leaving site)
Maryland Courts Mediation and Conflict Resolution Office  (leaving site)

HOA assessment issues, please contact:
Ashley Bendit
Sentry Management
2200 Defense Highway Suite 405
Crofton, MD 21114
410-721-7171 Ext. 57002
[email protected]