David Brown, one of our residents, is planning an outdoor barbecue this Labor Day weekend and is very graciously offering an invitation to all Chesapeake Station residents to attend! Here are the details:
Date/Time: Sunday, Sept 4; 12noon – 4:00PM
Location: 7791 Dentzel Ct., outside back downstairs patio area
Entertainment: Live professional pop/R&B singer (TBA)
Menu: Brisket, Pulled Pork, RIbs, Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Homemade Texas Red BBQ sauce (bring a small/mid-size mason jar if you’d like to take some home)
Optional Contributions (not required, so please feel free to come without):
BYOB – bring your preferred drink
Sides – of choice
Paper/plastic ware – paper plates, plastic cups, forks, spoons
Please let us know if you want/plan to bring anything so it can be accounted for with other sides. You can send an email to [email protected] or to David directly at [email protected]

Annual Owners Meeting!
It’s that time again for the CSHOA Annual Owners Meeting. The meeting will be held on Saturday, September 10 in the mini-gym at the Northeast Community Center. This large room will allow for spacing of seats for COVID protection. Doors will open at 9:30AM for registration and the business meeting will begin at 10:00AM.
All owners of record will be receiving a hard copy of the meeting materials in a few days in the mail. The package consists of:
A Cover Letter
Meeting Agenda
Proxy Form for those who will be unable to attend in person
Proposed 2023 budget
The cover letter references the Draft 2021 Meeting Minutes, which is on the agenda for approval by members.
In addition to the annual election for Board of Directors, there will be a vote at the meeting on the revision of our Bylaws. You should have received a copy of the proposed revision in the mail recently for review. A cover letter was included in the mailing that points out the changes from our existing Bylaws.
Please let us know at [email protected] if you do not receive the hard copy mailings! We may have the wrong address for you.
A healthy HOA depends on active participation by owners so please try to attend. If you can’t come, make sure to return the Proxy Form included in the package or hand it to another owner who will be attending. A quorum of owners is required at this meeting either by proxy or physical presence in order for us to conduct business.
We will be looking for owners who are willing to stand as candidates for the Board of Directors and/or our various committees. Please consider volunteering for one one or more of our Committees.
See you there!

With the COVID-19 virus still being a threat and Calvert County rated at a “High” level of virus transmission, the Board of DIrectors has decided to change the location of the Annual meeting to an outdoor venue, as we did last year. The meeting this year will be held in the pavilions on Gordon Stinnett Ave. behind the FastStop. Although bench seating is available, we suggest bringing a chair so that social distancing can be maintained. And we ask that attendees wear a mask.
Annual Owners Meeting!
It’s that time again for the CSHOA Annual Owners Meeting. The meeting will be held on Saturday, September 11 at the Northeast Community Center. Doors will open at 9:30AM for registration and refreshments and the business meeting will begin at 10:00AM.
All owners of record will be receiving a hard copy of the meeting materials in a few days. The package consists of:
A Cover Letter
Meeting Agenda
Proxy Form for those who will be unable to attend in person
Proposed 2022 budget
Draft 2020 Meeting Minutes for owner approval
Please let us know at [email protected] if you do not receive the hard copy mailing! We may have the wrong address for you.
A healthy HOA depends on active participation by owners so please try to attend. If you can’t come, make sure to return the Proxy Form included in the package or hand it to another owner who will be attending. A quorum of owners is required at this meeting either by proxy or physical presence in order for us to conduct business.
Several of our Board members will be stepping down this year and we will be particularly looking for owners who are willing to stand as candidates for the Board of Directors. Also, members are always needed for our various committees. We are particularly looking for an owner willing to Chair the Architecture Committee. Please consider volunteering for one one or more of our Committees.
See you there!

Looking for Committee Chairpersons
As you may remember, one of our residents, Christian Cardnuto, stepped in a few months ago to fill the Chair of our Architecture Committee after the long-time Chairperson, Penny Schmidt, resigned. Recently Christian announced to the Board that his circumstances have changed and he is no longer able to serve on the Committee.
The Chesapeake Station Architecture Committee is an important element in the operation of our HOA and the Board of Directors is seeking an owner who is willing to step in as new Chairperson.
The Chair position on our Social Committee has also been vacant for some time and now that COVID pandemic restrictions are starting to relax, we would like to restart our program of Social activities. Therefore, the Board is also seeking a volunteer to step in as Chair of the Social Committee.
We ask that you please give serious consideration to contributing to our Association by volunteering for these roles. If you would like to put your name forward for either position, please send a reply to [email protected].
Thanks in advance.
Chesapeake Station Board of Directors

Notice of Town Planning & Zoning Meeting
The Chesapeake Beach Planning & Zoning Commission will meet on December 15 @ 7:00PM to consider an application for changes to the Chesapeake Beach Resort & Spa (aka Rod & Reel) expansion plan. The Commission asked that a notice of the meeting be sent to Chesapeake Station residents.
You can read the notice letter here. A paper copy is also being mailed to owners of properties adjacent to the Resort & Spa.
The meeting will be virtual via Zoom. Meetings of the Commission are open and Chesapeake Beach residents are welcome to dial in.
To join the meeting via the web click https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8697557180. To join via an audio-only phone call dial (929) 205-6099 and enter the Meeting ID: 869 755 7180.

Decorate Your Door or More Contest

Happy Holidays in Chesapeake Station
We would like to help our residents get into the Christmas spirit this year by participating in the “Decorate your Door and More” contest. Show off your holiday spirit!
Judging and prizes will be held on Tuesday, December 22 at 7:30 pm.
From the Chesapeake Station Social Committee

Dear Chesapeake Station Owners and Residents
This is a friendly reminder to please remember and follow the Chesapeake Beach Town Code and CSHOA Governing Documents regarding trash and recyclables.
Town Code requires that garbage, trash or debris be placed out for collection only in proper receptacles. HOA Governing documents require that receptacles for household trash and garbage must be of durable hard rubber or plastic material and watertight with tight fitting covers to control odor and prevent animal access. Trash placed in these containers must be bagged.
Yard waste (e.g. grass clippings, twigs, leafs) may be placed out for collection in sturdy bags and recyclables should be placed in blue or yellow bins.
Owners who rent out their property in our development are responsible for ensuring that their tenants follow Town and CSHOA guidelines.
Thank you for your cooperation and for maintaining the cleanliness of our community!
From the Board of Directors
Chesapeake Station

It’s that time again for the CSHOA Annual Owners Meeting. The meeting will be held on Saturday, September 12.
Because of the COVID pandemic, we don’t believe the Northeast Community Center will be open, so we have moved the meeting venue to the open air picnic area on Gordon Stinnett Ave. between the Water Park and Kellam’s Field. Although bench seating is available in the picnic area, please bring a chair so can maintain social distancing. And wear your mask! If the Community Center does open prior to the meeting date, we will try to hold the meeting in one of the upstairs meeting rooms of the Community Center instead. Activities will start at 9:30AM for registration and the business meeting will begin at 10:00AM.
All owners of record will be receiving a hard copy of the meeting materials in a few days. The package consists of:
A Cover Letter
Meeting Agenda
Proxy Form for those who will be unable to attend in person
Current List of Board Nominees
Proposed 2021 budget
Draft 2019 Meeting Minutes for owner approval
Please let us know at [email protected] if you do not receive the hard copy mailing. We may have the wrong address for you.
A healthy HOA depends on active participation by owners so please try to attend. A quorum of owners is required at this meeting, either by proxy or physical presence, in order for us to conduct business. So, if you cannot attend, please make sure to fill out, sign, and return the Proxy Form included in the package or hand it to another owner who will be attending.
Some of our Board members will be stepping down this year and we will be particularly looking for owners who are willing to stand as candidates for the Board of Directors. Also, members are always needed for our various committees, so please consider volunteering for one or more of our Committees.
See you there!

Parking Lot & Alley Paving
May 26-28
The HOA Board of Directors has contracted to seal and restripe the townhouse parking lots on C St. and 17th St. and the alley behind the townhouses on the west side of C St. (#7730 to #7792). Contingent on weather, this work will begin on the evening of Tuesday, May 26.
It is IMPERATIVE that all vehicles be removed from the parking lots and alley not later than 3:00PM Tuesday, May 26 and remain out of these areas until Friday, May 29!
Vehicles that are not removed from the parking areas prior to the commencement of paving work will be towed at owner expense!
If the paving work is delayed due to weather, the Board will make every attempt to keep residents informed of schedule changes. For questions, please contact the Board at [email protected].
Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

Spring is Springing
Spring starts on March 19 and the weather is warming. And there are a few items that we’d like to bring to everyone’s attention here at Chesapeake Station.
Please remember that dogs must be leashed at all times while outdoors. This is a courtesy to others, a County law, and a rule of our Association. There’s nothing more disconcerting than walking your dog and having an unleashed dog come bounding up to check out your pet, twisting up your leash, tripping you, and frightening everyone. All the while hearing the other owner yell “Spot, don’t do that!” As if Spot is listening. Please be considerate!
Our Townhouse parking lots are looking a little worn and tired and the Board has decided to contract with a paving company to fill cracks, seal, and re-stripe the lots. We’re waiting for the weather to warm up further and don’t have a date yet for the work. But be on the lookout. The lots will need to be vacated of all vehicles for approximately 3 days when the work is done. The Board will notify everyone when we are scheduled.
As the weather warms, some of you may be considering renewal and repair projects on your property. Remember that, per our Governing Documents, plans for any work on the outside of your home must be submitted to the HOA Architecture Committee for review and approval before you start. This includes landscaping and work on the structure. The application form can be found on our website here.